Our Mission
To provide a top quality professional service in a friendly environment where the patient can be assured of our personal supervision and the highest ethical standards. We work in close co-operation with medical teams and would refer the patient to a specialist if required.
To provide a top quality professional service in a friendly environment where the patient can be assured of our personal supervision and the highest ethical standards. We work in close co-operation with medical teams and would refer the patient to a specialist if required.
Ons Missie
Om 'n top-gehalte professionele diens in ‘n vriendelike omgewing aan te bied waar die pasiënt verseker is van ons persoonlike aandag en die hoogste etiese standaarde. Ons werk ten nouste saam met mediese spanne en sal waar nodig die pasiënt na ander spesialiste verwys.
Om 'n top-gehalte professionele diens in ‘n vriendelike omgewing aan te bied waar die pasiënt verseker is van ons persoonlike aandag en die hoogste etiese standaarde. Ons werk ten nouste saam met mediese spanne en sal waar nodig die pasiënt na ander spesialiste verwys.
We speak English
Ons praat Afrikaans Wir sprechen Deutsch |
We are registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa and the South African Society of Physiotherapy. Practice No. 0412910