Suctioning of babies using a suction machine when prescribed for a variety of lung conditions such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or to extract sputum specimens for pathology as prescribed.
Relaxing and Breathing Exercises
A variety of breathing exercises are applied to improve lung functioning and expansion of the lungs. Indicated for lung conditions such as asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, post-surgical conditions and balance problems. Relaxation exercises are done for pain management and stress release.
Percussion and vibration
Techniques are applied to mobilize lung secretions and to improve breathing and lung expansion. This is indicated with pneumonia and bronchitis for example.
Postural Drainage
This entails putting the patient in a specific position to improve the drainage of secretions so that it can be coughed out. Used for a variety of lung conditions.
This technique is used with prescribed medicine and aims to loosen secretions and decrease brongospasm plus improve a variety of other lung conditions.
Dit word met ‘n suigmasjien op babas toegepas slegs wanneer dit voorgeskryf is vir ‘n verskeidenheid van longkwale soos longontsteking, en brongitis. Sputum-monsters vir patologie kan ook so verkry word indien voorgeskryf.
Ontspanning- en Asemhalingsoefeninge
‘n Verskeidenheid asemhalingsoefeninge word toegepas om longfunksies en longuitsetting te verbeter. Indikasies is longtoestande soos asma, longontsteking, brongitis, post-sjirurgiese toestande en balansprobleme. Ontspanningsoefeninge word aangewend vir pynbeheer en stres-verligting.
Beklopping en Vibrasie
Tegnieke word aangewend om longsekresies te mobiliseer en asemhaling en longuitsetting te verbeter. Indikasies is byvoorbeeld longontsteking en brongitis.
Posturale Dreinering
Die pasiënt word in ‘n sekere posisie geplaas om die dreinering van sekresies aan te help sodat dit uitgehoes kan word. Dit word op ‘n verskeidenheid van longtoestande toegepas.
Dit word vir ‘n verskeidenheid longkwale gebruik. Pasiënte word genebuliseer met voorgeskrewe medisyne wat help met die losmaak van longsekresies en verbetering van brongospasma